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March 21, 2013

Shakespeare Litter- 5 Weeks Old

I can't believe the Shakespeare puppies are already 5 weeks old!  Time really does fly!  5 are adopted (Iris, Portia, Othello, Hamlet, and Beatrice), and Ophelia has an adoption pending.  Another couple is interested in Juliet, but we haven't done a meet-and-greet yet- they want to make sure she is ok with cats.  Until then, we still have to find the last three babies their forever homes :)

All the puppies are very healthy, and very plump (they never miss a meal!).  A fat puppy is a happy puppy! 









Stay tuned for another update on these adorable babies!!  As always, thanks for reading :)

March 11, 2013

Random Shakespeare Litter Pictures

I just found some more pictures I haven't posted of the Shakespeare litter.  Enjoy the cuteness!!

Horatio was using Brutus as a pillow

Sleeping Iris

Look at that handsome face! He's definitely going to keep
his blue eyes

Feeding time!!

Hungry puppies chowing down on yummy dog

Iris looking cute

Sleeping Brutus

Iris was growling at my camera haha

Beatrice says "hello!"

Getting ready to take a nap on the nice, clean blanket

Play time!

Iris likes to bite toes/ feet
As always, thanks for reading, and check back next week for more pictures of the puppies!

Shakespeare Litter- 4 Weeks Old

So the foster puppies are now 4 weeks old!  Time is flying by- in a month they will be ready to go to their new homes :)  5 of the 9 are officially adopted.  Iris and Portia are going to the same home, while Hamlet, Othello, and Beatrice were adopted by 3 other families.  Othello is going to the Maddox family in Florida; he is going to having the best family!  My mom and Aunt Debbie (not really our aunt, but she's such a close friend, she is almost family!) have known each other since they were in high school, and our families are so close.  We aren't technically blood-relatives, but we basically are one big family.  I'm so exicted for them to meet Othello- we don't really know how we are going to get him to Florida, but I'm sure Mom can work something out.  He will be a Florida dog in 4 more weeks!
It's so easy to tell the puppise apart now- they all have vastly different personalities, attitudes, and physical characteristics.  Romeo is still the biggest of the bunch, but Brutus is catching up to him.  Horatio is the smallest, but he is very healthy so we are not too concerned about his weight.  They are all eating dog food soaked in water, and drink Juliet's milk when she lets them.  She's not too keen on being scratched and bitten, so she only feeds once or twice a day.  The puppies are starting to bark, growl, and play more often (which is the most adorable thing, ever)!  The house is pretty noisy now, but it's so worth it to be able to foster these sweet babies and their loving mama.
On to the pictures!! 









Hamlet (sleepy, as usual)

 Thanks for reading!!  Come back next week for more pictures of adorable foster puppies :)

March 5, 2013

Shakespeare Litter- 3 Weeks Old

Time for another update on the foster puppies!! They're all getting so big! Each puppy definitely has their own personality and attitude. Brutus, Beatrice, Othello, Horatio, and Portia are all pretty laid back (and kind of lazy), Romeo is the cry baby of the bunch, and Iris, Ophelia, and Hamlet are the most playful. All of them are so sweet and loving- as soon as someone walks into the room, all their little heads turn and they run over to greet you :) It's adorable! They are all teething right now... they like to bite toes for some reason. Puppy teeth are seriously razor-sharp.
Anyway, we haven't weighed them recently, but Romeo is still the biggest of the litter, and Horatio is still the smallest. They're all happy and healthy, but Juliet has decided to stop feeding them... We will most likely have to start bottle feeding or making some baby rice/ cereal to supplement them until they can eat solid food. Usually the mom will feed them until they can eat solid food, but Juliet doesn't sit still long enough for all of them to nurse; we can't blame her for that since she is so young and playful herself. She loves the puppies and is a great mom, though.
Good news!! Beatrice, Portia, and Othello are already adopted! We were all surprised they got adopted so fast; it definitely shows that the people adopting them are good pet owners, if their willing to wait about 5 more weeks to bring home their new babies. Portia and Othello are going to the same home, and Beatrice (now named Tesla or Tes for short) is going to a home with kids, dogs, cats, and a big yard to run around in!
And here are their most recent "mug shots," as Mom calls them.

Beatrice (aka Tes)



Hamlet (we think his right eye is going to stay blue!)




Sleepy Horatio

This is how Beatrice (Tes) sleeps!

Iris was biting Hamlet

Romeo is always the last one to fall asleep

He was laying on my foot for a good 15 minutes

Beatrice, Ophelia, and Othello

Silly Beatrice!

Thanks for reading!  Stay tuned for more information, updates, and pictures :)