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December 31, 2013

Loki Painting

Hey everyone!!

Sorry I haven't posted anything in awhile... The semester just started and I've been super busy. I'll try to post more often, but I apologize in advanced if I can't. 

So, over Christmas break, I was bored out of my mind and decided to get crafty. I have a ton of unfinished crochet projects, but I felt like trying something new: painting. Since I'm completely obsessed with all things Marvel (especially Thor) I attempted to paint Loki's helmet. 

Here's what happened:

Rough sketch (lefty + pencil + canvas = smudgy as hell). I didn't use any specific picture for reference; I just looked up pictures of Loki's helmet and made up my own design from there. 

I used the gridding technique because it's the only thing I remember learning in middle school art class. 

First layer of gold. 

I decided to add Loki's name in runes because the canvas looked a little too empty at this point.

I found a gold paint marker and fixed some of the lines (is that cheating?). 

First layer of green. 

Since the helmet and runes looked a little sloppy, I outlined them with a black paint marker. I think it made a huge difference!

Pretty sure it took about 10 layers of paint to get the gold even... That's whys happens when you buy $0.99 paint from Walmart. 

I know it's not perfect, but I absolutely love how this turned out!!! This is definitely going up on my wall as soon as I move. 

Thanks for reading, and I hope I can talk to all of you again very soon :)

Keri <3

December 29, 2013

A to Z Bookish Survey

Hello! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!!!!

I found this little tag on tumblr, and thought I would complete it.  I'm such a bookworm (but you guys probably already knew that if you've been reading this blog for awhile); this tag is absolutely perfect if you love to read.  If you guys have a tumblr/ blog/ YouTube channel, you should definitely give this a go :)

Just a heads up, I did include some plays along with books.  I couldn't do this survey/ tag and not include Shakspeare. Sorry.

A. Author you've read the most books from: James Patterson (the Maximum Ride series was one of my favorites when I was younger)

B. Best sequel ever: Insurgent by Veronica Roth

C. Currently reading: A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin

D. Drink of choice while reading: An iced mocha from Starbucks

E. E-reader or physical book: I have a nook, but I prefer to read physical books.

F. Fictional character you probably would have dated in high school: Gale Hawthorne from The Hunger Games series

G. Glad you gave this book a chance: The Divergent series

H. Hidden gem book: Not sure if this really counts, but not a lot of people seem to talk about the Dexter series by Jeff Lindsey.  I love Lindsey's writing (there's never a dull moment!).

I. Important moment in your reading life: When I discovered Goodreads!  I absolutely love the website and the app- it's so helpful for bookworms who like to keep track of what they've read and what they want to read.  I use it all the time when I'm in Barnes and Noble.

J. Just finished: Coriolanus by Shakespeare (it's a play, but I'm going to say it still counts)

K. Kind of books you won't read: Romantic, Nicolas Sparks type novels are definitely not for me.

L. Longest book you've read: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling (870 pages)

M. Major book hangover because of: I'm still not over the ending of Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

N. Number of bookcases you own: 2 at my parents' house, and 1 at my apartment

O. One book you have read multiple times: Angels and Demons by Dan Brown

P. Preferred place to read: In the bathtub (it's so relaxing after a long day of classes)

Q. Quote that inspires you/ gives you all the feels from a book you've read: "Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not" (Tyrion Lannister from A Game of Thrones)

R. Reading regret: Reading the Twilight series in high school; I really can't stand Stephenie Meyer's writing, and I just want to punch Bella in the face........ Sorry Twihards.

S. Series you started and need to finish (all the books are out in the series): I really want to read the Percy Jackson series.  For some reason, I just never got around to reading the books when they first came out.

T. Three of your all-time favorite books: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling, Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, and Hamlet by William Shakespeare

U. Unapologetic fangirl for: This is going to sound really strange, but I absolutely love mythology (mostly Greek and Norse).  I'm a total Marvel fangirl, so when I started researching the origins of Thor and Loki, I got hooked on Norse mythology.  I'm also a huge Shakespeare nerd.  I know, I'm crazy.

V. Very excited for this release more than all others: I'm super excited for the 6th Mortal Instruments book (City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare) to be released!!  I'm still on the 3rd book (City of Glass), but I love the series so far.  If you saw the movie but didn't read the books, definitely check out the books- the movie did not do them justice!

W. Worst bookish habit: I'm not so bad about this anymore, but I used to lose the dustcovers for all of my hardback books... I would take them off the book when I started reading it, and the cover would always seem to disappear.

X. X marks the spot: start at the top of your shelf and pick the 27th book: Matched by Allie Condie

Y. Your latest book purchase: The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson

Z. Zzz-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late): A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin.  The chapters are kind of long, so I would always stay up to read "one more chapter" and end up reading the whole night. 

Thanks for reading, and hopefully I'll talk to you all again soon!
Keri <3

December 26, 2013

Jolly VoxBox Unboxing

Hi there!

I received another VoxBox in the mail a few days ago, and thought I'd do an unboxing post for you all :)  This is the Jolly VoxBox- I'm not really sure if this box has a theme or if it's just kind of a grab bag of random things.  Either way, these products are pretty awesome!  As always, this is just my first impressions of these products, but I will have a review of the products up in about a month. 

Just for reference, here's a time line for this box:

December 12: Received an email letting me know I qualified for the Jolly VoxBox

December 19: Received tracking number and shipping confirmation

December 21: Received the VoxBox


DISCLAIMER: I received these products complimentary for testing purposes from This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. 


The Box

Puffs Ultra Soft and Strong To Go Tissue Pack ($0.49)

This was the perfect thing to include in this VoxBox!  I know I'm not the only one who suffers from a runny noes this time of year- that's just what happens when it gets cold.  These tissues are great for on the go; I have a few of these packs stashed in my car and some in my purse.  I've used the Puffs brand before, but I usually buy Kleenex (not really for any particular reason, that's just the brand my family picks up).  I'm glad these are the Plus Lotion tissues.  They're just moisturizing enough to keep your nose from getting irritated.

NYC New York Color HD Color Trio Eye Shadow ($2.99)

Since this is just the unboxing post, I haven't had a chance to swatch or try out this trio yet, but I will definitely have pictures in the review post.  This trio is a nice, neutral palate, and can work with any skin tone.  I feel like these shadows may come off a bit more sheer than most, but we will see.  The top color is a soft pinkish highlight shade, the middle color is a deeper bronzy taupe, and the bottom color is a golden pink shade.  All of these shadows look pretty shimmery and soft (which can be a good thing and a bad thing).

Rimmel London NEW Show Off Lip Lacquer ($5.49-5.99)

I was excited to see this little product in my box.  I've already tried out a few of the colors from the Show Off Lip Lacquer line, but this was one I hadn't tried yet (thank goodness!).  This shade is called "Nova (#102)."  It's a nice basic pink with no shimmer- I have worn these before, so I can tell you that they are a little drying but not as drying as a matte lipstick.  These are kind of a hybrid between a pigmented lipstick and a smooth, non-sticky gloss.  I really love the formula, and can't wait to try this shade out.

Skinny Cow Candy ($3.99)

I haven't tried anything from the Skinny Cow brand, but I've heard a lot of great things about their candies.  In this box, I received the Skinny Cow "Divine Filled Chocolates" candy- they're little milk chocolate bites filled with peanut butter.  These sound absolutely amazing!  One serving (one pouch) has 130 calories, which is awesome considering this is a candy.  Hopefully these taste as good as they sound :)

Ducklings Mini Rolls ($2-3)

Oh. My. Goodness!  I cannot tell you how much I love duct tape!!  I was so excited when I saw this at the bottom of my box.  The pattern is so cute (blue and purple cheetah print), and I love the size of this mini roll.  I'm not sure what I'm going to make with this tape yet, but I'm sure it will be super cute :) 

Thank you all for reading this unboxing post!  Make sure to check back in about a month to read my final thoughts on each of the products from this Jolly VoxBox.

Until next time,

Keri <3

November 26, 2013

Perler Beads- Loki and Thor

Hey guys!

I have a really short post today. I was in a really crafty mood and decided to make some little Loki and Thor sprites out of perler beads. Here are the patterns I used (I didn't make the patterns):

And these are my finished sprites :)

So cute!! I am so obsessed with Thor: The Dark World that I had to make these. I think they look pretty awesome. 

Thanks for reading :) I'll talk to you again very soon!

Keri <3

November 14, 2013

Varsity VoxBox Review

Hey everyone!

As you probably already know, I've been trying out some products this month that I received in my Varsity VoxBox from Influenster. I did an unboxing post a few weeks back (check it out here!), and decided it was time for me to post my final review of the products. So, let's get started!

DISCLAIMER: I received these products complimentary for testing purposes from This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. 

Clearasil Daily Clear Refreshing Superfruit Wash ($6.49)

Just as an FYI, I have combination skin, and I have a few problem areas that tend to break out (mostly around my chin). My skin is not overly sensitive. 

I used 2 out of the 3 samples I was sent. I decided to hold onto the last sample for when I was really having issues with my skin (I want to see if it makes a difference). The first two times I used this wash, I wasn't breaking out too terrible bad, but I did have some spots that cleared up after I used the product. This smells awesome- like a fruit smoothy- and really gets your skin nice and clean. Because I was sent 3 $1 off coupons, I'll most likely purchase this product in the near future. 

Overall, this wash does it's job, and I would recommend it to you guys. 

Airheads Xtremes Bites ($1.69) 

Like I said in my unboxing post, I'm so glad Influenster sent me some candy!  I absolutely love sweet and sour candy, so these Airheads Bites were perfect- I snuck them into the movie theater when I saw Thor: The Dark World last weekend (which is one of the best movies I've ever seen, and I'm kind of obsessed with Loki now).  These would be awesome to have as a snack during a late night study session; they're also great for any other time of the day :) I will definitely be repurchasing these candies!

Kiss Nail Dress ($6.99)

Ok, I'm not going to lie, these were the worst product I received so far from the program.  Honestly, I don't know if it was just me, but I had a really hard time applying these strips- I couldn't get them to look good, they barely fit my nail, and they kept wrinkling on the edges as I tried to apply them.  It doesn't help that my nails were unusually short when I applied these.  I'm sure the strips would look better over longer nails.  I've used the Sally Hansen nail strips before and I adore them!  For some reason, these are just not up to par with the other brands I've used in the past.  Trust me, I wanted to like these nail dresses. 

I do not recommend these nail dresses.  If you want a hassle-free nail strip, try the ones from Sally Hansen (they are a few dollars more, but it's definitely worth it).  The only thing good about this product is that they came right off my nail when I wanted to remove them.  That being said, I don't see these as lasting any longer than a few days.  I should have left mine on to see how long they would last, but I just couldn't stand the look of them on my nails.

NYC New York Color Big Bold Plumping & Shine Lip Gloss ($3.99)

As part of my VoxBox tasks, I did a separate review for this lip gloss, which you can read about here.  Overall, this gloss is not my favorite, but it's not bad.  It doesn't have a ton of color payoff, but it isn't overly sticky, and it gives a nice shine to the lips.  I don't notice a major plumping effect, although there is a slight tingle when you first put the gloss on.  This probably lasts about 2-3 hours with minimal drinking/ eating/ talking (you will need to reapply this gloss after lunch).

Tide Pods (no price)

This is another tried-and-true product for me.  I've been using these Pods since they first came out- I was in the dorms for a year, so these were my go-to laundry detergent.  They're convenient for storage, light-weight, and so easy to use (you just throw a Pod in, pile in the clothes, and wash!).  I use cold water to wash all of my clothes and I haven't had any problems with these.  Even though I have my own washer and dryer now, I still like to buy these little guys :)  The scent Spring Meadow is amazing, by the way!


All and all, I loved every single product in this box with the exception of the nail dresses.  If you want to learn how to get free stuff for testing purposes, check out Influenster for more information. 

I'll talk to you all again very soon.  As always, thanks for reading!

Keri <3

What I'm Reading: 2013

* - read for class
RE - re-read

Books, Plays, and Short Stories

1. Divergent by Veronica Roth

2. Insurgent by Veronica Roth

3. City of Bones (Mortal Instruments # 1) by Cassandra Clare

4. City of Ashes (Mortal Instruments # 2) by Cassandra Clare

5. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
by JK Rowling (RE)

6. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling (RE)

7. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling (RE)

8. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling (RE)

9. The Way I See It: A Personal Look At Autism and Aspergers by Temple Grandin *

10. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon *

11. Marked (House of Night # 1) by PC Cast

12. Betrayed (House of Night # 2) by PC Cast

13. Chosen (House of Night # 3) by PC Cast

14. Untamed (House of Night # 4) by PC Cast

15. Hunted (House of Night # 5) by PC Cast

16. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling

17. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling

18. Notes from Underground by Fyordor Dostoyevsky *

19. Are You There, Vodka?  It's Me, Chelsea by Chelsea Handler

20. "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" by Leo Tolstoy *

21. Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen *

22. The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov

23.  "The Rod of Justice" by Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis *

24. "Kabuliwala" by Rabindranath Tagore *

25. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad *

26. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka *

27. "Barn Burning" by William Faulkner *

28. "Spotted Horses" by William Faulkner *

29. Omeros by Derek Walcott *

30. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling

31. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (RE)

32. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (RE)

33. A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin

34. Coriolanus by William Shakespeare

October 25, 2013

DIY No-Sew Blanket

Hey guys!

Mom and I were in a crafty mood the other day and decided to take a trip to Joanne's.  We wanted to make some no-sew/ tie blankets to use when we transport dogs (they deserve something soft and cuddly for their long car ride!).  Plus, the fleece was on sale for $3.50 a yard!!  Needless to say, we bought a ton of the stuff.  I figured I would do a DIY post while I was working on the second blanket :)

This is a quick, easy, and really relaxing.  What a great way to start the weekend!

Just as an FYI, you can use any amount of fleece for this project; I would suggest using around a yard and a half, or even 2 yards if you are making this for a kid or as a throw.  Because these blankets are for dogs, I made them a bit smaller.



  • 1/2 yard of fleece for the front
  • 1/2 yard of fleece for the back
  • Scissors
  • Rotary cutter (optional, but very helpful)
  • Cutting mat
  • Ruler (preferably an acrylic one)
  • Maker

  • Instructions

    1. Pick out the patterns/ colors for your blanket.  Most people tend to use a colored fleece for the backside and a patterned piece of fleece for the front; I chose to use two patterned pieces just to make things more interesting.  There are whales on the front of my blanket and green chevron on the back.

    2. Lay out the pieces of fleece and make sure to trim off any access if they don't line up.  This doesn't have to be perfect, but make sure your lines are as straight as possible.  A rotary cutter and acrylic ruler comes in handy at this point (especially if you're like me and can't cut a straight line to save your life...).

    3. Using the ruler, measure out and draw a 2in x 2in square in each of the four corners of the fleece.  I used a paint marker and lightly drew on the fleece, but chalk, eyeliner, pencil, etc. will also work.

    4. Measure 2in up from the bottom of the fleece and make a mark.  Take the ruler and mark off every inch or so (see picture below).  These will be the tabs that you will tie off at the end of the project.  If you are making a bigger blanket, you can choose to make the tabs bigger, but I wouldn't recommend making them any smaller than 2in tall- if the tabs are too small, it's really difficult to tie them together.

    Continue making these marks around all four edges of the fleece.

    5. With your scissors or rotary cutter, begin cutting strips using the marks you previously made as a guide.  DO NOT START TYING YET!  Make sure you have made all the necessary cuts before you start knotting.

    6. After all of your cuts are made and your fleece is lined up, you can finally start knotting!  I like to tie all of my knots the same way because I'm a little OCD, but feel free to tie the tabs any way you want.  Also, I make double knots just to make sure everything is nice and secure, especially since I plan on washing these blankets every now and again.

    The Finished Blanket

    Charlee and Howie love their new blankets!  I'm glad I cut the fleece in half; it makes the perfect size for doggie blankets :)


    I really enjoyed making these blankets, and I can't wait to start working on some more!  This project probably took me 30-45 minutes for each blanket, but it may take you a bit longer if you have never done this before.  Either way, it's a quick project and it's a ton of fun!

    Hopefully I'll talk to you guys again very soon :)

    Keri <3

    October 22, 2013

    NYC Big Bold Pluming & Shine Lip Gloss Review


    I recently received the Varsity VoxBox from Influenster (check out this post for more information), and I thought I would do a quick review on one of the products from that box. Influenster gives you a bunch of different tasks to complete once you receive a VoxBox; one of my tasks was to write a blog post about the NYC New York Color Big Bold Gloss. 

    DISCLAIMER: I received these products complimentary for testing purposes from This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. 

    Normally this gloss retails for $3.99. Considering it's from a drugstore brand, I would say that's a pretty fair price- it's not the cheapest gloss, but it's also not the most expensive gloss at the drugstore. Plumping glosses usually cost a bit more than regular glosses, so keep that in mind. Again, I think the price is definitely fair for the amount of product you are getting (0.38 fl oz or 11 mL). 


    The color I received is called "Pleasantly Plump Pink (467)." It's a sheer, rosy pink with gold and maybe some rainbow shimmer (not glitter). In the sunlight, the rainbow shimmer is noticeable, but in indoor lighting, I see mostly golden shimmer. I think these are meant to be pretty sheer, but I would have liked to see a bit more color payoff. I most likely wear this gloss alone because it is so sheer; however, I'm sure it will look great layered over any pink lipstick or stain. 


    The applicator on this product is pretty unique. Like most glosses, it has a sponge doe-foot applicator, but this applicator is huge. It pretty much covers my whole lip when I apply the gloss (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). Basically, you just swipe once, and you're good to go! I don't feel like it picks up too much product, and I'm not constantly reloading the applicator. I literally take the cap off, swipe it on my lips, and I'm done. I really do like this type of applicator- it's easy to control where the color goes and you get the perfect amount of product each time. 

    Plumping Effect

    I've probably said this a million times, but I usually don't go for plumping glosses. The tingling sensation is not pleasant for me- it just feels kind of painful, most of the time. This gloss is different. After about a minute in the lips, it starts to tingle a little. I've noticed that the sensation stays around for awhile (maybe an hour or so?), but eventfully stops. This gloss claims to plump the lips by 50%. Honestly, I don't see that much of a change; the shine makes my lips look a bit fuller, but I won't say it actually plumps my lips and makes them look 50% fuller. 

    Other Thoughts

    The company says you can get about 4 hours of wear from this gloss, and I would say that's pretty accurate. The consistentcy of the product is pretty standard- it's sticky enough to cling to the lips and not feel greasy, but it's not too sticky. Like some glosses I've tried in the past, this gloss seems to get more tacky the longer you wear it. It's definitely not my favorite formula in the world, but it's not the worst either. 

    Just an FYI, I don't smell or taste anything offensive in this gloss. It has a chemical-type smell (I don't really know how to explain it...) in the packaging, but it goes away once it's on the lips. 


    I would give this gloss a 3.5 out of 5 stars. I like the color, shine, and shimmer, but I wish it was a bit more intense. I don't really feel like it plumps the lips, even though there is a tingling sensation when you first apply it. I love the applicator, the price is on point, and the formula isn't bad. It really doesn't have a smell or taste once it's on the lips, so that's a plus for me. Overall, I like this gloss, and I may pick up some other colors just to see if they have better color payoff than this one. 

    Hopefully this helped some of you guys out :) Let me know if you have tried this gloss, or if you plan on trying it. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

    Keri <3

    Skin Care Routine

    Hey guys!

    Today, I was brainstorming and going through new blog ideas when I realized I had never posted a skin care routine blog. I know every beauty guru/ beauty blogger has probably already done a post like this one, but I figured I would give it a shot! I am by no means an expert or a beauty guru- this is just the routine that seems to work best for me :) 

    A few things to note- I have combination skin (I have an oilier t-zone but dry around the cheeks), which tends to get a bit more dry in the winter. My skin isn't too sensitive but I try to stay away from harsh products and things that have a ton of perfumes/ dyes/ chemicals. I've been following this particular routine for about two months now, and my skin has gotten a lot clearer.

    Now, let's get started!

    1. Cleanse

    The first thing I do is wipe all the makeup off my face. I like to use the Pond Original Face Wipes, or the Simple Cleansing Face Wipes.  Most days, I only wear mascara, but I make sure to scrub every last bit off before I go to sleep. Also, if I'm feeling kind of lazy- let's face it, some days are just really tough- I'll only do this step. 

    I'm trying to wash my face everyday; I do see a difference when I follow this routine each night. Trust me, your skin will thank you later if you take care of it now! After I remove my makeup, I use my Clarisonc Mia2 to cleanse my skin; just for reference, I have the "Sensitive" brush head for the Clarisonic.

    I like to change my face wash every once in awhile, but I've been using the Clean & Clear Morning Burst Fruit Influsions Smootning Favoal Scrub in the "Yumberry/ Strawberry" scent (whew, that was a mouthful!).  

    2. Tone

    Toner helps remove any makeup, dirt, and/or oil that you may have missed while cleansing your face. It also restores the pH balance of your skin, so this step is definitely a necessity for me. Not all toners are created equal, but I've found that some of the drug store toners are actually pretty awesome! I've been loving the Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Stress Comtrol Triple-Action Toner. It doesn't smell great (the smell doesn't linger for very long, though), but it doesn't burn my skin. I just out a bit of toner on a cotton pad and swipe it across my face. Let your toner dry/ skin in before moving on to your moisturizer. 

    Also, you don't have to buy any specific kind of cotton pad- they all work the same. I just happened to be at Ulta and figured I would pick some up while I was there. I normally buy the cheapest brand from Walmart. 

    3. Moisturize

    A good oisturizer is an essential, in my opinion. Honestly, I couldn't live without moisturizer- especially in the winter! I've been using the L'Oreal Youth Code Texture Perfector Serum Concentrate and the Youth Code Texture Perfector Day/ Night Cream. They're a bit on the pricier side for drugstore moisturizers, but I think they're worth the splurge. I've seen a huge improvement in my skin since I started using these! Obviously, these are both marketed towards more mature skin, but I'm using these more for prevention. It's easier to prevent premature aging/ wrinkles than trying to make them disappear later on, right? 


    I hoped this helped! I'll talk to you all again very soon :) Until next time!

    Keri <3

    October 8, 2013

    Varsity VoxBox Unboxing

    Hey everyone!

    My Varsity VoxBox came in the mail today!! I'm so excited to share these products with you- this post will be an unboxing only (no reviews/ first impressions). Once I've tried out the products for a bit, I'll do a review post :) 

    Just for reference, here is a timeline for this VoxBox: 

    October 1: Recieved an email saying I qualified for the Varsity VoxBox

    October 10: Recieved tracking number and shipping conformation email

    October 12: Recieved the VoxBox

    So without any further ado, let's get started with the unboxing!

    DISCLAIMER: I received these products complimentary for testing purposes from This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. 
    The Box

    Surprisingly, this box was a lot smaller than the Mary Kay VoxBox I received a few months ago. I like the compact size- all the products fit nicely and nothing was squished. 

    The Details

    I'll list the names and prices of each product underneath the pictures, but here is the card with all of that information on it. This box is worth $19.16. Since it was completely free, I'd say that's an awesome deal! 

    Clearasil Daily Clear Refreshing Superfruit Wash ($6.49)

    Three small sample-sized pouches were included in the box. There is a decent amount of product in each sample- enough to wash your face once, I'm assuming. There is also a $1 coupon on the back of each sample. These coupons can be used on any Clearasil Daily Clear Refreshing Superfruit Wash, Scrub, or Pads. I've never used this particular cleanser, so I'm excited to see how it works for me!

    Airheads Xtremes Bites ($1.69)

    Honestly, I was really happy to see this candy included in my box! I'm not big on sour candy, but for some reason, I've always loved sour Airheads. These are "Rainbow Berry" flavored. To me, these are the perfect things to throw in my bag whether I'm going to school, the mall, a study session, or a movie. I can't wait to try these :)

    Kiss Nail Dress ($6.99) 

    I've used nail strips in the past, and I'm not really a huge fan. I'd rather paint my nails even if my manicure doesn't last more than a few days. That being said, these nail dresses may change my mind. Normally I don't care for the designs on these nail wraps/ dress, but these are absolutely adorable! They don't look childish or too cutesy- they look sophisticated and beautiful. I've never used the Kiss brand of nail strips, but we will see how it goes :) 

    I also recieved a coupon for $1 off any Kiss Nail Dress. 

    NYC New York Color Big Bold Plumping Shine Lip Gloss ($3.99)

    I feel like the people at Influenster know me so well- the color of this gloss is perfect! The color is "Pleasently Plump Pink Rose (467)." It's kind of a coral pink color with pink and silver shimmer. I don't know how I feel about the whole "plumping" claim (I normally don't like gloss that leave a tingle on the lips) but I will definitely give this gloss a try. I love that this is a full-size product! Also, I haven't seen this on shelves yet, so I feel kind of special haha

    Tide Pod (no price)

    Because there is only one pod, Influenster did not provide a price for this sample. I used to use Tide Pods when I was in the dorms- it was so much easier to take one or two pods with me instead of lugging around a giant bottle of detergent. I use the "Spring Meadow" scent in the liquid detergent from Tide so I know I'll love the scent of this pod.


    Hope some of you guys found this unboxing post helpful and/or interesting. Check back soon for a full review of the items from this VoxBox. I'll talk to you all again very soon!

    Keri <3