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August 19, 2015

Update on the Bats (tattoo)!!

Hello there!

As you may (or may not) know, I got seven little bats tattooed on my ankle a few months ago.  I have no idea why, but a random thought occurred to me while we were waiting in the hour-long line at the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland- why haven't I named my bats??  So, Mom and I (and later Sara, Drew, and Corey) helped me give the little guys some pretty ridiculous names.

Just in case you're interested, here ya go (from top to bottom):

1. Sylvia
2. Damian
3. Millicent
4. Clyde
5. Freddie
6. Simon
7. Gertrude

I know, I'm really strange (but you already knew that).  This was probably the most random blog I've ever posted, but that's what happens when you're supposed to be writing a paper for class :)

Anyway, I'll talk to you again very soon (hopefully!).  In the mean time, I hope you all are having a wonderful summer, and/or beginning of the school year!!

Keri <3

PS: In case you were wondering, I named Freddie first.  His name came from a tombstone outside the Mansion.