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June 25, 2016

Lush Haul

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening!

I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day/ night :)  I just wanted to give you a quick update before we get started with this haul.  I moved back to Florida a few days ago, and I received a job offer for a fifth grade math teaching position!  If I don't post anything for a few days, it's probably because I'm getting all my stuff transferred/ getting my teaching stuff in order- but hopefully I'll have more posts for you very soon!!  

When I moved back to Florida, one of the first things I did was visit the Lush store in the Town Center Mall (in Jacksonville).  Duh.  I'm addicted to Lush, and I may or may not have gone there two days in a row...  Anyway, I just wanted to show you what I got! Since I haven't used most of these products yet, this isn't going to include review for everything.  However, I'm planning on posting a blog with reviews for each of the products I picked up, so keep an eye out for that!  

I put links to the products you can buy online.  The only thing that you can't purchase online is the face mask... Unfortunately, you can only pick those up in-store.  Also, if you don't know about the recycling program at Lush, you should check it out!  AND, if you want to donate to a specific charity, they have Charity Pots you can purchase.

Ok, on to the haul!

I didn't buy too many things this time around, but I will definitely be going back as soon as I get my first paycheck :D  Thanks for reading, and I'll talk to you again soon!  Keep an eye out for the review post about these items in the next few weeks or so :)

Keri <3

June 10, 2016

Furry Friend Tag


I'm coming at you today with the Furry Friends tag.  I don't really remember how I found this (probably when I was binge watching YouTube videos late at night...), but if you want to answer the questions, I found them at this website.  Let's get started!

  1. What is your pet's name?
    Charlee and Dany
  2. What kind of pet is he/she, and what breed?
    They are both little dogs- Charlee is a nine-pound miniature pincer (min-pin), and Dany is a three-pound Yorkshire terrier (yorkie).
  3. How long have you had your pet friend?
    I've had Charlee for almost 4 years, and I've had Dany for a little over a year.
  4. How did you get your pet?
    I adopted Charlee from a local animal shelter.  They said he was a stray, but he definitely had an owner and probably got out of the fence because he's so small.  Dany is also from a shelter, but she was an owner surrender.
  5. How old is your pet?
    Charlee is 6 years old and Dany is 2 years old.
  6. What are some quirky things about your pet's personality?
    No one is going to believe me unless you've heard her do it, but Dany purrs like a cat!  She was raised with a cat so I'm assuming she just learned how to imitate the noise from hearing the cat purr.  Charlee snores like a lawn mower even though he's so small!  Seriously, when he's dead asleep, he is so noisy... He also likes to burrow under blankets no matter how hot it is.
  7. What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?
    I've had dogs since I was born, so I'm definitely a dog person, and I can't see myself living without at least one dog.  Honestly, I cherish every second I have with my pups simply because their lives are so much shorter than ours.  I read a quote the other day that perfectly sums it up:
    "Dogs are just a part of your whole life, but you are their whole life."  I spoil Charlee and Dany like their my kids (and so does my mom!), so I would say my relationship with them is very important to me :)
  8. What are some of your favorite past times with your pet?
    Dany will play fetch for hours!  If you throw one of her toys, she'll bolt after it even if she's asleep or in another room.  Charlee likes to take naps and bark at the neighbor dogs.  He also likes lounging on the porch and being read aloud to (I told you, I spoil them).  They both love sunbathing.
  9. What are nicknames that you call your pet?
    Charlees has an alter ego, named Frank.  When he's hyper, or acting like a typical min-pin (shaking, whining, eyes bugging out of his head, etc.), we call him Frank.  I also call him Little Charles sometimes.  Dany's full name is Daenerys Targaryen (duh), but we also call her Mother of Dragons and Khaleesi.

Thanks a ton for reading my random blog!  Hopefully I'll talk to you again very soon.

Keri <3

June 6, 2016

First Impressions- Vivid Matte Liquid VoxBox

Hello there!!

If you've been reading my blog for awhile (or have checked out any of my older posts), you already know that I'm an Influenster! Basically, you sign up on and the company sends you samples to test out/ review. If you're interested, click the link above to sign up. 

Anyways, I just received the Maybelline Color Sensational Vivid Matte Liquid VoxBox today. I have two colors from the new line that recently launched. Because I just got these today, this is just going to be my first impression post; however, I will have an updated post on my final thoughts on the product after I've used them for a few weeks. 

Alright, let's get started!!

Disclaimer: I received this products complementary from Influenster for testing purposes. All opinions are my own, and this is not a sponsored post.

My VoxBox included two Vivid Matte Liquid lipsticks and a promotional card with some info about the product. It took about 5 days for me to receive my box after I got the confirmation email (the shipping time may vary depending on what state you're in).

Shades: Rebel Red, Nude Thrill 

Opacity: Nude Thrill is not patchy or streaky, but Rebel Red did take two coats to become completely opaque. That is pretty common with most other liquid lipsticks I've tried, so I'm not too worried about that. Usually, the darker shades come off a bit streaky or patchy, but you can use a lip liner underneath to solve that problem. Or just add another thin coat. 

Texture: So, the name of the product implies that these are matte liquid lipsticks. However, when you first put them on they have more of a satin finish. There isn't much shine, but they're not completely matte either (at first). Once you have them on your lips for about 10 minutes, they dry down to a velvety matte finish. Unlike most liquid lipsticks I've used in the past, these are not overly drying and are really comfortable to wear! You can feel that there is something on your lips, but it's not sticky or tacky in anyway. I feel like these tend to slip around a little bit, but I can get over that because they don't dry my lips out.

Packaging: Ok, I love the packaging! These are small and sleek, yet you still get a ton of product. I like that you can see the color in the tube- that means I don't have to dig around in my drawers for 10 minutes trying to find a nude lipstick! Yay!

Applicator: I'm not 100% sure how I feel about the applicator yet. I'm used to the Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipsticks, which have a small doe foot applicator. The Vivid Matte applicators are definitely unique- instead of a doe foot, it's more of a long, skinny paddle shaped wand. Because of its shape, it holds a lot more product than the Kat Von D ones, which may or may not be a bad thing. I think I just need more practice using the wand, but it's kind of difficult to apply at first. I wiped some of the product on the edge of the cap and lined my lips before filling them in. That seemed to help.

Wear Time: So far, I've worn Nude Thrill for about 3 hours before it completely wore off. These don't claim to be super long-lasting or waterproof, which isn't a problem for me. I don't mind reapplying lip products after lunch :) I was curious about how waterproof these were compared to the Everlasting Liquid Lipsticks, so I had to test it out. Overall, these will stay on your lips, but they can smear if they come in contact with water. They also transfer a little bit when you're eating/ drinking, but it's not too bad. You'll still have some color left behind afterwards. 

Overall: I can definitely see myself using these on a regular basis, and I want to check out some of the other shades. I know there is a deep purple shade in the line that I'm really curious about! I love the shade range, and these aren't too terribly expensive, especially for liquid lipsticks (I saw them at Walmart for $6.99 each). These are great for those of you who want a liquid lipstick that doesn't completely dry out your lips. Again, they're comfortable, but you do sacrifice some hours of wear time because of that. Honestly, these are pretty awesome!! 

Thanks for checking out my first impressions on the Maybelline Vivid Matte Liquid lipsticks! Stay tuned for my final thoughts in the next few weeks :)

Keri <3

June 3, 2016

Calling All Wrestling Fans!!


Quick post for you all today.

I just wanted to let you guys know about an awesome blog run by the amazing Corey.  If you're even somewhat interested in wrestling, definitely go and check it out here!  He's currently writing reviews for every single Professional Wrestling Guerrilla (PWG) match in the history of the company's existence.

PS- Yes, his background is a picture of Mankind/ Mick Foley on top of the cage from the 1998 Hell in a Cell match against The Undertaker.

I know I'm more than a little bias, but you should totally look into his blog, follow him, comment, and show him some love :)  Seriously, his writing is phenomenal, and you're likely to mark out if you're a wrestling nerd like we are.

Thanks for reading, and I'll talk to you all again very soon!
Love ya,

Keri <3