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February 26, 2013

Shakespeare Litter- 2 Weeks Old

As promised, here is an update on the Shakespeare litter.

Juliet and her pups are doing so well!! Everyone seems to be eating and gaining weight- including Juliet. The puppies were 2 weeks old last Sunday(2/24/13).  All of the puppies have theireyes open now, but most still have pretty cloudy vision; they do respond to your voice, though!  Obviously they don’t know their names just yet, but when you walk into the room and talk to them,all their little heads turn to look at you. So cute :)

Drew and Mom weighed the puppies sometime last week.  Romeo is currently the biggest puppy and weighs 4 lbs!  Portia and Horatio are the smallest and weigh about 2-3 lbs each.










This is the first litter of puppies we have fostered where the mother isalive and able to feed/take care of her babies. No bottle-feeding for this litter (thank goodness!).  Bottle-feeding is so time-consuming,especially when the puppies are this big and hungry.  By the time you finished feeding them one meal, it would be about time for them to eat again!  We’revery thankful to have Juliet.  She’s a great mama dog :)

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more updates on the puppies!

Foster Puppies!

My family and I have been volunteering with a local animal shelter called Let Love In Animal Rescue (you can check out their website, or like their page on Facebook). My mom recently rescued two more dogs- a very pregnant dog, and an underweight mother with her babies. A local woman had rescued the dogs, but was unable to provide the proper care for them, so Let Love In brought them back to Fayetteville. My mom brought Juliet (the pregnant mother) and Annie (the underweight mother) home, while the rescue adopted out Annie’s 8-week old puppies.

Annie is one of, if not the sweetest dogs I've ever met! She's only about a year old, so she loves to play with our other dogs, big and small (she loves Spooky and Charlee most of all, but likes Howie and Abbie too!). We're not quite sure what she is mixed with, but Let Love In has her listed as a Border Collie, Boxer mix.  My brother wanted to adopt Annie, but we can’t really take another dog into the house, considering we already have four.  But he knows she’ll get a good home :)

Such a cute face!

Annie is one-of-a-kind

Juliet is a purebred lab, and is probably about a year to two years old.  We had her for about three or four days before she had her puppies. Finally, at 2am one Saturday night, she went into labor. Juliet had 6 puppies that night (the first was born at 2am and the last was born at 6am). Later that day- now Sunday- we found 3 more puppies in the bed!! She had 9 fat and healthy puppies! Because their mom’s name is Juliet, we decided to name her babies after some of Shakespeare’s most famous characters.

Juliet in labor
Juliet and her 9 puppies

Juliet's puppies (1 week)










We probably shouldn't pick favorites... but we did (even though we love them all equally)!  Drew's favorite is Iris, mine is Hamlet, and my mom's is Horatio.  Dad doesn't really have a favorite puppy, but we know he loves them all, even though he denies it. 

Stay tuned- I'll try to post updates each week of the puppies!

If you live in the NWA area and would like to look into the shelter- whether you want to adopt or donate- visit the website for more information.

Thanks for reading!

February 19, 2013


Hey there!! Thanks for checking out my blog! I thought I should make an introdutions post so you can get to know me a little bit better :)

First off, a little bit about my personal life: I was born and raised in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, but my family now lives in Arkansas.  I'm currently a second semester sophomore at the University of Arkansas (Woo Pig Sooie!), majoring in Childhood Education with a minor in Music. I play the mellophone in the Razorback Marching Band, and I love SEC football. Music is my life, and I am extremely blessed to be musically and artistically inclined.  My favorite band is Fall Out Boy, but I love most music, besides country and rap.  The 80s were the best years for music, in my opinion :)  I love arts a crafts, and I am absolutely addicted to Pinterest!!  Most of my conversations start with “I saw this pin on Pinterest…”  I love all things beauty and makeup related.  I may or may not be addicted to collecting nail polish.  Makeup isn’t a necessity for me, but I definitely love to try new looks and styles.  I’m definitely a nerd at heart- I love to get lost in a good book (I’m currently re-reading the Harry Potter series), or watching geeky TV shows and movies.  I’m completely obsessed with Doctor Who, so you’ll probably see a ton of posts about the Doctor ;)

Anyways, on to the point of this blog:  I’m not 100% sure how it will be organized, but I know this will be an extremely random blog.  Posts will most likely relate to my daily life, but you’ll probably see the occasional beauty/makeup related post.  Also, I’ve been working on losing weight, so I’ll most likely post something about health or fitness once in a while.  Although I may not have a ton of free time during the school year due to exams, homework, etc., I will try to update regularly!

Thanks again for checking out my blog!  Keep checking back for new posts in the near future :)

PS:  Meet my 2 1/2 year old min-pin, Charlee!! He's my little fitness buddy.