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February 19, 2013


Hey there!! Thanks for checking out my blog! I thought I should make an introdutions post so you can get to know me a little bit better :)

First off, a little bit about my personal life: I was born and raised in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, but my family now lives in Arkansas.  I'm currently a second semester sophomore at the University of Arkansas (Woo Pig Sooie!), majoring in Childhood Education with a minor in Music. I play the mellophone in the Razorback Marching Band, and I love SEC football. Music is my life, and I am extremely blessed to be musically and artistically inclined.  My favorite band is Fall Out Boy, but I love most music, besides country and rap.  The 80s were the best years for music, in my opinion :)  I love arts a crafts, and I am absolutely addicted to Pinterest!!  Most of my conversations start with “I saw this pin on Pinterest…”  I love all things beauty and makeup related.  I may or may not be addicted to collecting nail polish.  Makeup isn’t a necessity for me, but I definitely love to try new looks and styles.  I’m definitely a nerd at heart- I love to get lost in a good book (I’m currently re-reading the Harry Potter series), or watching geeky TV shows and movies.  I’m completely obsessed with Doctor Who, so you’ll probably see a ton of posts about the Doctor ;)

Anyways, on to the point of this blog:  I’m not 100% sure how it will be organized, but I know this will be an extremely random blog.  Posts will most likely relate to my daily life, but you’ll probably see the occasional beauty/makeup related post.  Also, I’ve been working on losing weight, so I’ll most likely post something about health or fitness once in a while.  Although I may not have a ton of free time during the school year due to exams, homework, etc., I will try to update regularly!

Thanks again for checking out my blog!  Keep checking back for new posts in the near future :)

PS:  Meet my 2 1/2 year old min-pin, Charlee!! He's my little fitness buddy.

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