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February 26, 2014

Life Update, GoodReads Challenge, and Books I'm Reading

Hey guys!

I have a a few updates for you all today :) I know I haven't blogged in awhile (I'm really sorry...)- school has been really hectic lately, and I haven't had a ton of free time. I feel like this semester has been nonstop since it started. Oh well, at least Spring Break is right around the corner!

Anyways, let's get to the point of this post. I just recently found a job!! I'm currently a pet sitter/ dog walker with That Crazy Dog Lady! This job is absolutely perfect for me- the hours are super flexible, I get to hang out with dogs, and I get some (much needed) exercise/ fresh air. Plus, having some extra spending money is always nice :) My boss also asked me to start a company blog, which I am so excited about! I'll make a separate blog post with the URL and info about that blog as soon as it's up and running.  

Ok, switching gears again. If you've been following my blog for a little while, you'll know that I'm a huge bookworm. Last year, I kept a list of all the books I read throughout the year, and I thought I'd start a list for 2014. 

I have a GoodReads account so that I can keep track of all my book-related stuff (look up Keri Tichenor if you want to friend me on GR!). They just added a yearly challenge to the website- basically, you pick the number of books you want to read within the year, and GoodReads keeps track of your progress. I've set my goal at 35; hopefully I'll reach my goal!! 

If you are interested in what I'm reading, check out my very next post :)

Thanks for reading!! Hope to talk to all of you soon!

Keri <3

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