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August 27, 2014

30 Day Music Challenge

Hey everybody :)

I know I say this a lot, but I'm sorry I haven't been posting as often as I probably should. I started my senior year of college this week (yikes!) and it seems like I'm going to have a pretty busy year. Regardless, I figured I should post something before the real work begins! 

Before we get started here's a random fact: I sing a lot for someone who can't sing. I'm so incredibly jealous of people who have decent singing voices- I only sing in the car with the volume turned up so I can't hear my own (terrible) voice. 

Anyway, I found this picture somewhere on the internet (probably on tumblr, but I'm not 100% sure...)-

I thought it would be a cool challenge to do. I don't think I've ever really talked about the types of music I like, so this is a good way for you guys to get to know my (really strange) music taste. Instead of making 30 different posts, I'll just add on to this one each day. Sound like a plan? Ok, let's get started!

Day 1, 8/27: Your favorite song
Oh man, I guess we're starting off with the tough questions! It's hard to pick just one, but my favorite song at the moment has to be "Scream" by Avenged Sevenfold. I have a slight obsession with A7X (and when I say "slight" I mean "more than slight" and "out of control"). 

Day 2, 8/28: Your least favorite song
I cannot stand the song "Happy" by Pharrell Williams. Every time I hear it, I cringe. 

Day 3, 8/29: A song that makes you happy
"I Want You Back" by Jackson 5. If you saw Guardians of the Galaxy, you'll know why this song makes me happy. Three words: dancing Baby Groot <3

Day 4, 8/30: A song that makes you sad
"What a Catch, Donnie" by Fall Out Boy. I absolutely love this song, but it makes me cry every time I hear it. The lyrics + Patrick's voice = perfection. 

Day 5, 8/31: A song that reminds you of someone 
"Attack" by Thirty Seconds to Mars reminds me of my brother. Not because of the lyrics or anything- it's his favorite MARS song, so every time it hear it, I think of Drew. 

Day 6, 9/1: A song that reminds you of somewhere 
Whenever I hear "Welcome to the Universe" by Thirty Seconds to Mars, I think of the tattoo shop I go to. It was the first song that popped up on my iPhone when I was getting my first tattoo. 

Day 7, 9/2: A song that reminds you of a certain event
"Eleanor Rigby" by The Beatles reminds me of the "Love" Cirque du Soleil show in Vegas. I saw it this past June when Mom and I visited my aunt and uncle. If you ever get the chance to see "Love," you should definitely go! It was absolutely amazing!!

Day 8, 9/3: A song that you know all the words to
"A Little Piece of Heaven" by Avenged Sevenfold. It's kind of a creepy song (ok, it's super creepy) but I love it, and I know every single word. It may or may not be a song about murder. And sex. And sex after murder. Don't judge me. 

Day 9, 9/4: A song that you can dance to
I just recently added "Counting Stars" by OneRepublic to my favorites playlist on Spotify because it's something I can dance to if I'm having a rough day. I can't dance, but whatever. I try. 

Day 10, 9/5: A song that you can fall asleep to
"Lullaby" by Daughtry. It's so beautiful and sweet (he wrote it when his wife was pregnant with their second kid). 

Day 11, 9/6: A song from your favorite band 
I'm gonna cheat a little bit on this question. I cannot pick a favorite band, so I picked a song from three different bands (sorry...)

"The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes" by Fall Out Boy

"Buddah for Mary" by Thirty Seconds to Mars

"Trashed and Scattered" by Avenged Sevenfold 

Day 12, 9/7: A song from a band you hate
"Chainsaw" by The Band Perry. I'm trying to be more open about bands and listen to different genres, but I just can't stand country music. Hate is too strong of a word, though. 

Day 13, 9/8: A song that is a guilty pleasure 
"Welcome to My Life" by Simple Plan. Not much to say about this one. I really like the song, even though they're not the best band in the world. 

Day 14, 9/9: A song that no one would expect you to love
"Closer" by Nine Inch Nails. I just had this conversation with my tattoo artist over the weekend; he said he would have never expected me to like NIN, much less know the song "Closer." I get that a lot. I guess I don't really seem like someone who would listen to the types of music I listen to. 

Day 15, 9/10: A song that describes you
This is a tough one! I'm not really sure what song describes me... Ok, I'll go with "I Don't Care" by Fall Out Boy, just because I really don't care what people think of me. 

Day 16, 9/11: A song that you used to love but now hate
Ok, when Frozen first came out in theaters, I thought it was a pretty cute movie. I used to like "Let It Go" by Idina Menzel, but now I can't stand it! They play it everywhere (including Walmart) and I'm so sick of hearing it. Sorry, Frozen fans... 

Day 17, 9/12: A song that you hear often on the radio
I don't really listen to the radio at all anymore since I got Spotify, but whenever I'm in the car with my mom, "Maps" by Maroon 5 always seems to play. It's actually a pretty good song, so I don't mind hearing it often :)

Day 18, 9/13: A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Like I said before, I don't really listen to the radio, so they may actually play this song on one of our stations. Anyway, I wish they played "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy!!

Day 19, 9/14: A song from your favorite album
"Waking the Fallen" is definitely one of my all-time favorite albums. I've been listening to "Clairvoyant Disease" a lot recently. 

PS- if you're an a7x fan, you should check out "Waking the Fallen: Resurrected," if you haven't already. The demos are amazing (especially the "Chapter Four" demo). 

Day 20, 9/15: A song that you listen to when you're angry
"Fallen" by Thirty Seconds to Mars. I'm not really sure why, but this is usually the first song I play when I'm angry.

Day 21, 9/16: A song that you listen to when you're happy
I think "Do or Die" by Thirty Seconds to Mars has been my go-to song when I'm happy :)

Day 22, 9/17: A song that you listen to when you're sad
"Young Volcanoes" by Fall Out Boy always puts me in a good mood, so I'll usually listen to it when I'm feeling sad.

Day 23, 9/18: A song you want to play at your wedding
I've already decided that I want my first dance to be to "Warmness on the Soul" by Avenged Sevefold. Unless you know the song, you probably think I'm insane. The piano part is absolutely beautiful (Syn Gates is amazing!), and the lyrics are perfect. Also, M Shadows's voice makes me melt <3

Day 24, 9/19: A song you want to play at your funeral 
I can honestly say that I've never thought about what song I want to play at my funeral. Maybe "Convergence" by Thirty Seconds to Mars? I don't know. 

Day 25, 9/20: A song that makes you laugh
"I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by The Proclaimers is seriously one of the best songs! I love it :)

Day 26, 9/21: A song that you can play on an instrument
I just recently learned "Fiction" by Avenged Sevenfold on the piano. It's one of those songs that sounds super complicated, but once you practice it a bit, it's not so bad. 

Day 27, 9/22: A song that you wish you could play
I've always wanted to learn to play the guitar, mainly because I want to be able to play "Bat Country" by Avenged Sevenfold. Zacky's rhythm is so tight, and Syn's solo is killer!! 

Day 28, 9/23: A song that makes you feel guilty
I'm not really sure what song makes me feel guilty... This is a tough one! "You're Crashing, but You're No Wave" by Fall Out Boy talks about being guilty, so we'll go with that song. 

Day 29, 9/24: A song from your childhood
One year at Girl Scout camp, we did a whole dance routine to the song "I'm Blue" by Eiffel 65.  That's one of my favorite memories from my childhood :)

Day 30, 9/25: Your favorite song from this time last year
I'm not 100% positive what my favorite song was last year, but I know for a fact it was a Fall Out Boy song. I'm pretty sure it was "Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Coming to These Shows)" by Fall Out Boy

Thank you so much for reading! Check back soon for more awesomeness :)

Keri <3

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