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October 1, 2016

Currently Reading

Good evening,

If you've followed me for awhile, or if you know me at all, you'll know that I'm a huge bookworm.  I complete a reading challenge each year (check out the "books" tag on my blog to see what I've read so far this year), but I've never written a "currently reading" post.  I was browsing for new ideas on google and I stumbled across this idea.

So, here's a quick little update on what I'm currently reading :)


Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor
57% finished
The first two books in this series were absolutely incredible, and I read through them fairly quickly (even though they are pretty lengthy).  It's taking me a little bit longer to read this installment, but that may also be due to the fact that I'm super busy with teaching and other life stuff.  I'm still interested in the plot, and the character development is on point, for sure!  It's not as fast paced as the first two books, but it's not bad at all.  I'm excited to see how everything plays out, and I'm very curious to see if all these loose ends get tied up in the end.

Winter by Marissa Meyer
59% finished
I'm not really sure how I feel about this one yet.  I want to like it because the previous books in this series were well-written and moderately-paced.  This one seems to drag on a lot more than the others, and the characters really aren't doing much at this point.


What I mean by that is, the team has been split up and they're working towards getting back together (I think), but I'm not really sure exactly what they're trying to accomplish right now.  Their actions don't make a ton of sense, and the plot line is pretty much stagnant.  Hopefully it gets better soon.

The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan 
44% finished
I started reading this during the last few months of my student teaching internship per my student's recommendation.  One of my third-graders read through this series within the week, and told me to pick it up at the book fair.  I have to be honest- this is written for a younger audience, meaning some things are kind of predictable.  Riordan is an incredible author, though, so his writing definitely makes up for it :)

Lord of the Flies by William Golding
24% finished
I read this book my freshmen year of high school, but I honestly don't think I read the entire thing.  It also took us over two months to finish this book as a class, so... Some parts are a little fuzzy for me.  At this point in the book, the kids haven't really done much and not a lot of interesting things have occurred yet.  I remember liking this book when I was younger so here's hoping I'll like it just as much as an adult!

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson
25% finished
Ok, I don't think why I've waited so long to read one of HST's works!  Corey is pretty much a walking encyclopedia when it comes to Thompson, his accomplishments, and his pieces, so he recommended that I read this.  Seriously, I am all about his writing style, and I love the fact that this piece is literally about drugs, sex, and booze.

The Fellowship of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
32% finished
Oh man, some of you are not going to like me after you finish reading this little paragraph.  I just don't like Tolkien's style at all... I'm not sure if it's because he's so long winded, or what.  I know he's setting up the world and setting the tone for the rest of the story, but, oh my goodness!  It should not take 50 pages to describe what a creepy forest looks like or what weird ass creatures live in it.  I haven't picked this book up in months, which is not something I normally do; however, I need to find the time and energy to read the rest of it.

Thanks for checking out my blog!

Keri <3

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