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October 7, 2016

New FOB Tattoo (Tattoo #14)

Hey there :)

As I'm waiting for Hurricane Matthew to pass over us, I figured I would try to take my mind off the storm by writing. You guys probably already know that I love tattoos. I've recently added a few more to my collection, and I just realized that I hadn't posted about them yet! 

If you'd like to check out my other tattoo posts, check out my "Tattoo" tag on the right side of this blog. 

Ok, on to the tattoo!!
"You were the last good thing about this part of town." (Take This to Your Grave, "Grand Theft Autumn" by Fall Out Boy)

I can't remember the exact date that I had this one done, I've had it for about a month or so now. I took this picture the second day, so it's still a little swollen and red. 

Getting this tattoo wasn't nearly as impulsive as some of mine have been in the past, but it was a bit of a spur of the moment decision. I knew I wanted this lyric, but I didn't know where. My artist, Bret and I picked out the font and he suggested the placement. Honestly, I think it's absolutely perfect and I love the handwritten feeling the font has to it. If I remember correctly, it's called "Jane Austen." 

Pain wise, this was probably one of the easiest places I've been tattooed so far. My arms are usually pretty painless, thankfully. There were a few sensitive spots close to my elbow, but overall, I would give the pain a 3 out of 10. Maybe even a 2. From start to finish, it took about 45 minutes. 

I'm so in love with this tattoo and I wouldn't change a thing about it (even if I could haha)! The lyric has a special meaning to me and I'm glad I finally have it on my arm :)

Last little thing. It's a coincidence, but this is on my left outer forearm, right below my "Take This to Your Grave" tattoo. I thought about it after we placed it; I'm glad we picked the spot we did! 

Thanks for checking out my blog, and I hope to talk to you again soon!

Keri <3

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