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September 24, 2017

Room by Emma Donoghue Review

RoomRoom by Emma Donoghue
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I'm not really sure what to say about this book. I know it was a huge deal when they adapted it to film, but I honestly didn't know much about the book or the movie. It's told from a five-year-old's point of view, which makes it a little tedious to get into. I 100% understand why she wrote it this way, but it did throw me off- it's difficult to focus on the story when you're constantly trying to figure out what is going on with the characters. Yes, it is a good way to get the reader into Jack's shoes, and there is a certain mood that is set because we are living vicariously through him. I just didn't think it was completely necessary for the entire story to be told from that particular point of view. That being said, I did enjoy the story as a whole. It just isn't something I see myself re-reading it anytime soon.

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