December 9, 2014

Deathbat for Life (Tattoo #7)

Hello :)

Let's skip the intro today and get right into the post.  So, you know how I'm obsessed with Avenged Sevenfold?  And addicted to tattoos?  Well, this is what happens when those two things are combined: 

Yep, I finally got my Deathbat!!  I literally could not be happier with the way this turned out- Jimmy never disappoints!  Everything about this is perfect (to me); it's exactly what I wanted.  I thought about getting it in color, but since I couldn't decide on one, I stuck with black and gray- and I'm so glad I did.

Technically, this version of the Deathbat isn't on any of the album covers, but it's similar (almost identical) to the one Zacky Vengeance has on his chest.  I liked this version more than the original just because it was different from the other Deathbat tattoos I see all over Google/ Pinterest/ Tumblr (not that there's anything wrong with the original Deathbat!).  I don't think you can really see in the picture, but there are little nails holding the wings down; that's one of the reason I loved this version so much.  I also like the wings on this Deathbat more than the original.  Either way, I'm so glad I finally got this done!!

I wasn't planning on getting this tattoo until after the semester was over (it was supposed to be a reward for finishing the semester with a 4.0), but I went into the shop because they were looking for a front counter girl.  The job ended up being full-time and it didn't work with my class schedule for next semester. I made a really impulsive decision to schedule an appoint for the next day with Jimmy to get the Deathbat on my back. I've been wanting this tattoo since August, so I guess it wasn't that impulsive/ crazy. 

I got this one done on Saturday.  It took almost 5 hours, and it was definitely the most intense tattoo I've gotten (both pain-wise and time-wise).  The outline wasn't bad at all; I think it took about an hour.  The shading took almost 4 hours.  Honestly, there was never a point when I couldn't feel the needle, but some spots were more sensitive than others.  The skull was by far the most painful, probably because of the crazy amount of shading around the jawline and the eyes. The pain wasn't unbearable at any point, and we did take breaks every hour or so (thank god!). I'm convinced that I have a really high pain tolerance; or maybe I'm just able to focus on other things besides the pain? Who knows. I'm not going to lie and say tattoos don't hurt. They do. It's just a different kind of pain. I don't know how to explain it... If you have tattoos, you definitely know what I'm talking about. 

I'm pretty sure I've said this in one of my other tattoo-related posts, but the aftercare is the hardest part about getting a tattoo.  Since this one is so big, it takes a ton of Tattoo Goo/ Aquaphor to cover the whole thing.  It's totally worth it in the end, but the healing process is seriously not fun.  I usually use Tattoo Goo in the morning and throughout the day, and Aquaphor at night after taking a shower, just because the Aquaphor is pretty thick (it sticks to clothes, so I hate having it on during the day).  

Anyways, enough rambling!  Thank you for reading about my tattoo adventures :)  I'll talk to you again very soon. 

Keri <3

December 8, 2014

Black Friday Haul


There were a number of reasons why I didn't go to the mall this Black Friday. The main reason being I was petsitting for a couple with 18 dogs (yep, 18!). Even though I wasn't able to make it to the stores, I still wanted to take advantage of the awesome deals. Thank goodness for online shopping!!

I managed to get some stuff I've been lusting over for awhile now for pretty cheap. I'm definitely not one to turn down a deal- especially when it comes to buying books, soap, and candles!

After a stressful week of class, I was so happy to come home to this wonderful sight: 

Barnes & Noble
Original price: $26.99
Online price: $20.04
I paid: $20.04 

I've been wanting to buy Death Punch'd for a few months, but I was waiting until I had a decent coupon since it's a bit expensive. As soon as I got the email for 25% off one item I knew I needed to order this book. 

I just finished this today; I'm pretty sure it's my new favorite book. Jeremy has a really dark sense of humor, but I love it. He's open and honest about his past and his faults which makes him so relatable, despite his rockstar status. His writing is incredible, and I absolutely adore him as a person (even though he was a complete man whore in the past). If you love 5FDP or anything dealing with metal music and rockstars, definitely check this book out. 

Original price: $50
Online price: $27.78
I paid: $17.50 (30% off coupon)

As you probably already know, I'm a huge Game of Thrones/ A Song of Ice and Fire fan. This book has been sold out at my local B&N since it was released (which is weird for Arkansas). I'm so glad I was finally able to get my hands on a copy!! I haven't looked through this one yet, but as soon as classes end, I'm planning on reading it cover to cover. 

Bath & Body Works

Shower gel: $12.50 (free)
Body spray: $14.00
Body scrub: $16.50
Body cream: $12.50 (free)
Body lotion: $12.50 (free)
Candle: $22
VIP bag: $20 (worth $100)

Bath & Body works was having a buy 3 get 3 free sale on everything in the store. Obviously, you have to pay for the 3 most expensive items, but I still ended up getting a good deal on what I bought. 

The "Wild Madagascar Vanilla" is one of my new favorite scents (thank goodness it's a signature scent!). I'm horrible at describing things... It's sweet but not overbearing by any means. I really like it, so I decided to buy the lotion, shower gel, and body spray. 

I meant to buy the "A Thousand Wishes" shower gel since the VIP bag included the lotion and the body spray, but I accidentally ordered the lotion instead. Oh well, I'm not too upset. I'll use it sooner or later. 

I also bought another "Champagne Toast" candle because I burned through my first one in about a week. It's definitely my favorite candle for the holidays. 

The VIP bag this year was $20, but was worth over $100. I'm not a huge fan of wearing the "Winter Cranberry" scent, but I think I'll like it as a soap. I love the "A Thousand Wishes" and the "Forever Red" scents!! Also, the "Holiday Wish" candle is amazing! It smells like apples and holiday spices; I haven't burned it yet, but I think the scent throw will be pretty awesome (like most B&BW candles I've tried). 

Fall Out Boy Webstore
Technically, I placed my FOB order on December 10th when they released their holiday merch, but, I decided to include what I bought in this post just because. Nothing was on sale, so that was a bit disappointing, but I did buy two things.  

Original price: $19.99

Oh my goodness, I'm so glad I was able to order this beanie! They only made 500 and I somehow managed to get my hands on one before they completely sold out. I'm not sure when the package is supposed to get here, but hopefully it'll show up soon :)
Original price: $10.00

I recently read Pete Wentz's novel, Gray, and loved it. I figured I would order this book while I was already on the site since I can't find it in my local B&N. I'm pretty sure this book has been out for years, but whatever. I'm excited to read it. 

Thank you for reading!! Hope you scored some awesome Black Friday deals too :)

PS: I may or may not have gotten another tattoo over the weekend. Check back soon for an update on that!

Keri <3